Chiptuning has many advantages, such as more power, more torque and a higher top speed. Of course it’s important to also be aware of the disadvantages of chiptuning, before you make a well informed decision.
What are the pros of chiptuning?
Tuning your car not only gives you more power, but also more torque. With turbo engines, tthe power and torque can quickly and easy increase to 30 percent! Not only the acceleration can be improved, but the top speed of the car can also be significantly increased when chiptuned.
Chiptuning can also improve the engine efficiency. Due to environmental requirements, vehicels often perform below capacity and won’t reach their full potential. By properly adjusting the engine, it will run at its most ideal power setting and the efficiency will be at its highest.
The increased efficiency is also reflected in the consumption, a fuel saving of 5-10% is certainly possible, provided you drive about the same way you drove before tuning yur car.
Cheaper than the dealer
Nowadays manufacturers use software to create different engine types. They often use the same motor with different software calibrations, creating a model range with different power and torque. Chiptuning is often much cheaper than purchasing the model with the heavier engine.
When you hear the above advantages, you probably think why the car manufacturer doesn’t do this right away? Manufacturers like to keep margins to make sure the car will perform well under all conditions, including the worst gasoline or temperatures as low as -40. In the Netherlands we have good fuel and no extreme weather, which is why chip tuning is very interesting to fine-tune the engine. Chip tuning increases power and reduces fuel consumption.
Does chiptuning have any cons?
Every pro has its con, is what they say. This also applies to chiptuning, but there is a lot of misinformation about the chiptuning cons. The first we need to debunk is that your engine will damage faster after chiptuning and that it expels more harmful substances. This is absolutely not true.
When you maintain the same driving style, the engine load will remain the same and therefore the wear and tear won’t be any more. Only if you use the extra power to step in that gaspedal, the engine will be more heavily loaded and has to work harder. This could lead to a faster wear and tear, but in practice this is hardly ever the case.
If you ask us if we recommend chiptuning. we would absolutely say yes. The benefits are many times greater than the disadvantages.
If you do not use a manufacturer or brand dealer approved tuning to tune your car, you usually lose your (factory) warranty. Leasing companies are often afraid of extra maintenance costs and therefore not keen on chiptuning. Therefore it’s often not allowed, even if the tuning is done by the brand dealer.
The warranty of the chiptuner itself is usually a guarantee on the tuning software, but it is the hardware that you would like to keep the warranty of.
Manufacturers regularly release software updates for the engine management of their cars. In older cars this is not so common, but modern cars often receive a software update during a service at the dealer. There are different types of updates, but it can happen that the tuning is overwritten. In that case you have to go back to the tuner to have the car re-tuned. This is often done free of charge, but if a lot of work is involved (e.g. bdm-tuning) then the tuner will sometimes charge a fee.
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